FS-0 7 Isolate / Zoom Selected

7.1. Isolate

  1. If you want to Isolate a surface or curve select it.

  2. Then start command Isolate.

7.2. Zoom Selected

  1. Sometimes the Model gets messy because of the quantity of the objects, if you want to based your rotation and to get a zoom that frames one special object; select the object.

  2. Be in the Perspective View.

  3. Select the Model you want to center.

  4. Start command Zoom Select.

  5. The selected object will be framed in the window and if you rotate the center of the rotation is the same object.

7.3. Show

  1. If you want to come back to see all the project start command: Unisolate.

  2. If that doesn’t work, start command Show






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