FS-0 1 Rhino to 3D Print

1.1. ShowEdges/MatchMeshEdges

  1. Start Command ShowEdges to check that the mesh is closed.

  2. If not check start command MachMeshEdges to seal little gaps.

  3. If you want to learn more ways of repairing Mesh you can revise Ri-xW1a Model in Rhino for Complete Beginners chapter 5: Watertight Meshes.

1.2. Export STL

  1. Copy the final Object.

  2. Isolate the Volume.

  3. Start the Scale command.

    • Enter the intended scale: 1/200

  4. Start the Scale command.

    • Mutiply by 1000.

  5. Start command Export.

  6. Select STL Stereolithography.

  7. Adjust Tolerances by Checking in the Preview.

  8. Name corresponding to the Scale






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